The evolution of mining hardware

16 Wed, Feb 2022



Cryptocurrency mining has evolved rapidly since it’s genesis. It began with Central Processing Units (CPU) mining; followed by people realising that Graphics Processing Units (GPU) could have their computing power repurposed for mining. Once the mathematical equations became too complex, or the mining difficulty rose, Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) were created for the sole purpose of cryptocurrency mining. Since then, Field-Programmable Gate Array’s (FPGA) have been repurposed for cryptocurrency mining. The big upside of an FPGA compared to an ASIC is that it can be programmed, or in other words it can change algorithms to mine a vast range of cryptocurrencies. 

Cryptocurrency mining is often compared to a teller working at a regular bank. Tellers provide the manpower the bank needs to transact with their customers; similarly, to miners with cryptocurrency. A full-time bank teller can earn $50,000 a year. So can miners. If you could earn the salary of a full-time bank teller while still performing your regular day job, then why wouldn’t you? By becoming a cryptocurrency miner, you can. Miners run 24/7 earning you money whilst you sleep & can be a great source of passive income to couple with your regular income!

You can find the array of mining hardware on sale at Miningstore here