What about Bitcoins Governance?
As Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and blockchain project to be successful, have very good liquidity, and be the first world-wide known cryptocurrency with the highest market capitalisation, it has to have robust governance. Governance is a system that shapes coordination between various participants in an enterprise. In Bitcoins case, the process by which a set of transaction and block verification rules will be decided, implemented and then enforced, in order to provide a set of rules in which individuals will adopt to verify that payments they received in transactions and blocks fit their own definition of what Bitcoin is.
As Bitcoin is decentralised, the process for evolving it is very different than with a centralised entity where decisions can easily be made in a top-down structure. Although some blockchain supported decentralised systems do integrate some formal governance processes such as voting for proposals, Bitcoin does not. Essentially it is an opt-in system whereby each Bitcoin owner has their own choice on which way they go, and what Bitcoin is is ultimately up to the people that use it.